The United Church of Christ’s mission calls us to “welcome all, love all, and seek justice for all.” As a denomination committed to such values and justice for all, we must speak boldly in the public square through public policy advocacy - as well as election engagement - that collectively shapes our common life together. These two activities are part of what we understand as “politics”.

In a country where there is significant confusion and misinformation about the constitutional relationship between church and state, some choose to shy away from politics altogether. Yet, politics can not only be seen as part of our civic duty as citizens but also as an activity of righteous resistance and discipleship as Christians. Jesus’ ministry and message had significant political implications for his time – as it does for us today!

However, in our hyper-partisan climate today, clarifying how we engage in politics is critical. Churches and clergy must abide by IRS guidelines to protect 501c3 (tax-exempt) status. It is critical that we are well informed about what we CAN (and can’t!) do as churches in the political sphere and particularly around the 2024 election.

Join a discussion with Heather Kimmel, the United Church of Christ’s General Counsel, and Rev. Michael Neuroth, Director of the UCC Office of Public Policy & Advocacy. This webinar and the accompanying resources help you and your community navigate the waters well and with integrity.